DGWorld team is The Group of Talented, Qualified and Passionate individuals from a Very Different Engineering Backgrounds, working like a bees to provide best ¬functional, safe and quality solutions to our client. Team of 120+ professionals, including Autonomous Vehicles mapping specialists, Hardware Integrators, System Architects, Implementation Engineers, Research and Development Engineers, Back End and Front End Developers, Application Developers , Structural Experienced Engineers and more. Business models

Our Number of Engineers who are involved in Driverless Vehicles Development Project are around 70 Engineers ,and willing to Increase our Number of the staff , But always looking for the Right talents and Experience.

Driving Automation Projects are the most critical Applications and solutions to be developed, thats why our best of Engineers are handling this Project and working hard every day to challenge themselves and the market to come up with the most Applicable solution taking into consideration each Project aspects.

Happy Team, Real Dream